Picture by Vitor Pinto

How to programmatically test visual design of components

The Problem

When writing component based applications or libraries we often create components where part of their API only changes the appearance.

<Button primary>toggle primary prop</Button>
<Button>toggle primary prop</Button>

How should we best test this?
Lets find out!

First Identify the interface(s)

Before writing any test we should be clear about the interfaces of an abstraction and their consumers.
This is a big topic for another post... jumping to conclusions:

Most abstractions in frontend applications have two kinds of consumers: Engineers & App-Users

Then find the cause + effect you want to test

For our Button:

fuchsia is the main brand color!

Now decide on the best tooling to write an optimal programmatic test with

This is where things get tricky! Most tools I see being used today don't support writing optimal tests. So let's compare them!

ℹ️ Characteristics of an optimal test

  1. The test acts on the cause and asserts on the effect (see AAA & previous section)
  2. The test does not cover implementation details (see: Testing Implementation Details)
  3. It only breaks when the covered effect changes.

So what are the options?

Option 0: Just don't test

I think it's fully valid to just not test visual design programmatically. Manual QA will most likely be enough.

Still there are cases where automated tests are really valuable. Most primarily in design systems/component libraries where the mission is to provide abstractions that are easy to use for engineers and look as intended to the user.

As a rule of thumb ask yourself: "Am I (or my team) the only one using this component?"

Yes: Only Add tests if you feel the component is unstable.
No: Add tests unless the component is dead simple.

Option 1: Snapshot Testing

A simplified snapshot test would look like this:

expect(renderToHTML(<Button primary>Hello</Button>))
    "<button class="primary">Hello<button>"

From my experience tests like this have little to no value for appearance testing because they assert on an implementation detail (namely the class name).

This does not mean snapshot tests are bad. I recommend reading Effective Snapshot Testing.

Option 2: Visual Regression Testing

A simplified visual regression test would create a screenshot of the button rendered in a browser and compare it to a stored screenshot. If any pixels have changed, the test would fail.

Illustration of a document diff Image Source

While this perfectly covers the effect without depending on implementation details, it fails on focussing on the single effect we want to test. Thereby violating point 3 of an optimal test.

This also does not mean visual regression tests are bad in general. I recommend reading Visual Regression Testing.

Option 3: Style testing

The closes point where the effect leaves our domain (the point after which we can not accidentally introduce bugs anymore) is the computed styles of the DOM-Node in the browser.

Let's test that!

import { getRealStyles, toCss } from 'test-real-styles';

describe('primary prop', () => {
  it('makes the background fuchsia', async () => {
    const button = renderToDomNode(<Button primary>Hello</Button>);

    const styles = await getRealStyles({
      css: readFileSync('button.css'), 
      doc: button,
      getStyles: ['backgroundColor'],
      "background-color: fuchsia;"

I shamelessly recommend using test-real-styles because it uses real browsers and supports using your full page css.

There is also toHaveStyle of jest-dom but it did not work for me because it keeps the element in jsdom which has lots of issues emulating CSSOM

Most css-in-js solutions provide something like jest-styled-components which is pretty neat, too. (A downside is that these will also not evaluate the styles in a real browser and therefore will not capture bugs caused by the cascade.)

Finally write the actual test

Given we decided on a style-testing solution, I want to share a few thoughts that might make the tests even more valuable.

Writing .button { background: fuchsia; } in the implementation and expect(getStyle('background')) .toBe('fuchsia') in the test feels tedious.

Though in bigger components this will be more meaningful and stabilizing, there is a potential gem to be created:

A machine-readable spec of low level design patterns

Sit down with your designers and not only talk about how the button should look like but also which underlying patterns lead to this look.

This might surface things like:

"We want all intractable elements to have a border-radius of 5px"
"The main solid interaction element should use our brand-color as background"

Which can be translated to:

// designIntentions.js
import { brandColor } from './atoms';

export const interactable = {
  borderRadius: '5px';
export const primaryInteractable = {
  backgroundColor: brandColor

Which then can be used in style-tests like:

import { getRealStyles } from 'test-real-styles';
import { primaryInteractable } from 'designIntentions.js';

describe('primary prop', () => {
  it('applies primary interactable styles', async () => {
    const buttonElement = renderToHtmlElement(<Button primary>Hello</Button>);

    const styles = await getRealStyles({
      css: readFileSync('button.css'), 
      doc: buttonElement,
      getStyles: Object.keys(primaryIntractable),

And I think that's beautiful.

Do you think your project could benefit from style testing?

I'm available to help you set everything up technically, help dev and design teams to get the most value of this and also write tests for you.

get in touch ❣️