Why the heck is there a pricing section?

...on hannesdiercks.de

I’m a freelancer and consultant — we all know rates are negotiable and depend on nuances. So, why put a pricing section on my website?

I feel like it communicates a few core messages that matter to me:

  1. I offer premium involvement in your unique challenges.
    If you’re just looking for coding support, there are better options out there.
  2. I work across all layers of a problem.
    From engineering details to big-picture strategy, I bring a broad set of skills to the table, and I see that as one of my unique strengths.
  3. I want to work with people who share my values.
    My pricing and discount structure is aims to reward alignment with the principles I care about

How those prices come together

My brain doesn’t follow a 9-to-5 schedule, so putting a price tag on each hour of my attention is simply an effort to find a balance between the value I create and the value I place on my time.

When we work together, what you're paying for is my undivided attention — solving problems, attending meetings, writing code, listening carefully, giving feedback, and everything else the work requires.

But it doesn’t stop there. Your challenges run as a background process in my brain, even outside of billable hours. To some degree, they shape my thoughts and interests because my mind doesn’t differentiate between your "problem" and mine.

Some people can draw a clearer line here, and I’ve certainly tried—closing the laptop at 5 p.m., going surfing, and switching off completely. But I’ve realized that while I’m on the water, out for a walk, talking with friends, or lying awake at 3 a.m., ideas and solutions still have a way of showing up.

So instead of fighting this, I’ve decided to embrace it — and reflect that in how I price my time and attention.

Let’s Build Something!

If this way of working resonates with you, let’s talk! I’m always looking for passionate teams and individuals and for meaningful initiatives, I set aside time for pro-bono work. So whether you’re building something ambitious or need a fresh perspective, I’d love to hear from you.